small groups
Church is more than a gathering on a Sunday, it’s also a community sharing life around a table. Even in a small church, it’s easy to get lost in the larger crowd. Small groups are the lifeblood of our church and the primary way that we seek to build friendships and follow Jesus together.
Gospel means good news, and it’s this good news of Jesus that defines our community. The gospel leads us into knowing God. By striving to behold God’s beauty, followers of Jesus seek to know him more fully and deeply. We are to do this together, through Jesus, by the help of the Holy Spirit. The goal of small groups is to inspire growth in godliness by leading people to know God deeply, to be like him, and to apply the gospel to their everyday lives.
Practically, what do small groups do?
Care. Small groups act as the “first line of defense” when one of their group members goes through a rough spot or personal issue.
Prayer. The best way we can for one another is to pray for one another. Praying as a group also helps build and strengthen bonds of community and friendship.
Teaching. If discipleship is helping others know God and apply the gospel to their everyday lives, then what better way to do that than by studying God’s word together? Small group leaders and other group members gifted in teaching lead the group to study the Bible each week.
Fellowship. In the Bible, fellowship speaks to the common bonds that believers have in Christ. Through conversations before, during, and after group meetings, and through spending time together outside of normal meeting times, small groups strengthen that common bond.
If you’re interested in joining a group, please fill out the form below.